Skol Vikings, let’s win this game,
Skol Vikings, honor your name,
Go get that first down,
Then get a touchdown.
Rock ’em . . . Sock ’em
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Go Vikings, run up the score,
You’ll hear us yell for more. . .
Skol, Vikings, let’s go!

On this day in 1970 the Minnesota Vikings played in their first Super Bowl (Super bowl IV).  They lost that day in what would become the first of four Super Bowl losses during the 1970’s.  Combined score in those four games: 95-34.  Ugh.

They haven’t been back to the big game since.

I have a collection of tickets to those four Super Bowl’s (pictured above).  My wife would tell you this small collection is incredibly odd.  Why remember the pain?  Why celebrate defeat?

In my mind, they represent more than defeat in one four games.  They represent what might have been.  They represent the thrill of competition.  They represent the joy of the journey.  They represent the aspiration to be better.

I have never played one down of organized football so what am I talking about?  I’m just a fan.

To me, those tickets represent what it feels like to be a part of a larger community.  When celebrated together, success is more sweet.  When experienced together, losses are a little easier.

My kids (including, unfortunately, one Packers fan) wonder why I care about Minnesota sports teams – I haven’t lived there in 25 years.  I believe it’s good to care about things beyond yourself.  It’s good to have diversions, interests, and hobbies.  It’s good to care.

The Vikings play against the Saints on Sunday afternoon.


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